Sail Paradise, Southport Yacht Club’s spectacular high summer regatta, will be staged on the beautiful ocean waters off the Gold Coast’s golden beaches from January 13 to 17 next year.
As well as bringing the dates for the club’s flagship event forward in the summer season, organisers have opted to widen the appeal of Sail Paradise by extending the number of racing days to four, and adding a special lay-day/fun-day event for the sailors, their families and friends to enjoy. This will be a full-day of relaxation at Southport Yacht Club’s island hideaway, Dux, which is located on South Stradbroke Island.
“Sail Paradise is all about great sailing and good fun,” said Southport Yacht Club’s Commodore, Phil Short. “We will be doing everything possible to ensure visiting sailors and our own competitors enjoy it to the full.
“When it comes to regattas it is common knowledge that the waters off the Gold Coast are among the best, and most scenic. The wind is steady and warm, the seas gentle and courses superb.”
Commodore Short added that as well as encouraging keen competition, Sail Paradise will be very much a family event offering fun for all at the club, and via the many and varied tourist attractions for which the Gold Coast is famous.
Sail Paradise is open to the full spectrum of sailboats, from off-the-beach dinghies and catamarans through to offshore multihulls, cruising yachts and the upper echelon of Grand Prix racers. A combined fleet of more than 70 is expected.
As a back-drop to Sail Paradise, Southport Yacht Club will be hosting the start of the annual Surf to City Race on January 23. This hugely successful event, organised by Queensland Cruising Yacht Club, provides a great challenge for both inshore and offshore sailors on courses set from the Gold Coast to Brisbane’s Moreton Bay.
This link between Sail Paradise and the Surf to City means sailors will now be able to enjoy two great events during the summer holiday period.
Details for Sail Paradise 2016 can be found on the regatta website: www.sailparadise.com.au
For further information contact Bronwen Hemmings at Southport Yacht Club on (07) 5591 3500 or via Marketing.Manager@southportyachtclub.com.au