November 2015
Sanya, China
ISAF council just decided that NACRA 15 will be the new and only official youth multihull used in ISAF championships & IOC Youth Olympic games. Two years ago, the worldwide governing body of sailing (ISAF) initiated the process to replace the previous youth multihull to a modern multihull that fits better in the pathway towards the Olympic NACRA 17. The Nacra 15 can be considered a mini version of the Olympic Nacra 17 and proven in tests to be the boat for youth teams to compete in.
Bold move
Nacra Sailing international made a bolt move by designing a new multihull from scratch to the supplied criteria by ISAF. These criteria were drawn up by a technical working party consisting of specialists from ISAF. “Yes we took a risk by starting from scratch and to come up with a brand new design. But we are convinced that if we want to win the hearts of the youth, we started by taking youth seriously and came up with our solution. Our solution is the NACRA 15 with curved (lifting) dagger boards in combination with stabilizers on the rudders” according to Peter Vink, Technical Director and in charge of the design team at Nacra Sailing & Performance Sails. “ It proved to be the right solution once more, after study we realized that the perfect multihull for youth sailing did not exist yet. We hope future generations will love it as much as we do.
Challenging tender process
“A tough nut to crack for Nacra Sailing, we entered this tender with a modern multihull design with three sails, Mainsail, jib sail and asymmetric gennaker. As multihull manufacturer we have to deliver two hulls, two rudders and two curved dagger boards compared to monohull manufacturers. A big challenge to keep the price as low as we will ” according to Commercial Director Gunnar Larsen“ But we succeeded and hope to welcome many new young sailors in the Nacra 15 class which can use this as “steppingstone” towards the Nacra 17 class after the year they have become 19 years of age.
Multihull is back to stay
The multihull world now has proper representation at the highest level of sailing at both fronts. In the Olympic class with the Nacra 17 and the ISAF Youth worlds. Nacra will do its utmost to promote multihull sailing in the world and to convince as many young sailors, how tactics and strategy can be combined in high performance classes and having fun while going really fast. ISAF & Nacra are depending on the youth and parents of this world to show up in big numbers at regattas to challenges themselves.
Nacra,s Youth pathway
Nacra has designed a range of catamarans starting from the Nacra 350 which is intended to teach children the art of catamaran sailing from an early age, this teaches them the basic skills of catamarans and gets them ready to progress to the next level.
Either the NACRA 430 which has a spinnaker setup the same as the NACRA 15 this will give them spinnaker experience or straight to the NACRA 15 depending on their skill level or weight and then hopefully a full Olympic campaign on the Nacra 17.
For video look at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pOoUIhdalKg
For more information please visit the website of ISAF www.sailing.org or the website of www.nacra.com.au
Technical Data
Boat length | 4.70 m/15.4 ft |
Boat width | 2.35m/7.7 ft |
Mast Length | 8.10m/26.5 ft |
Area mainsail | 13.6m/146 sqft |
Area Jib | 3.3m/36 sqft |
Area Spi | 16.5m/177.6 sqft |
Nacra catamarans for over 40 years
Nacra 15 Youth ISAF catamaran, Youth Olympics 2018
Nacra 17 Rio Olympics 2016 Rio, 2020 Tokyo
Nacra Infusion 1st F-18 world titles 2008.2009,2013,2014,2015
Nacra Infusion 1st F-18 Australian titles 2014
P-61 7 3375 4911
F-61 7 3375 9167