Upcoming Special Annual Events


Please click on the event below you are interested in entering for more details…

january 2025

11jan(jan 11)9:00 am12(jan 12)9:00 amJulian Rocks Yacht Race 2025Proudly sponsored by XXXX

25jan(jan 25)9:00 am26(jan 26)9:00 amTed Elkes Memorial Regatta 2024Proudly sponsored by Negociants Australia

february 2025

08feb(feb 8)10:00 am09(feb 9)10:00 amCat Weekend 2025

16feb(feb 16)10:00 am(feb 16)10:00 amCock of the Broadwater 2024Proudly sponsored by Aviso Broking

march 2025

08mar(mar 8)9:00 am(mar 8)9:00 amEvolution Sails Two Handed RaceSponsored by Evolution Sails

09mar(mar 9)9:00 am(mar 9)9:00 amDinghy Trophy Marathon Race 2025Proudly sponsored by CNM Fire

april 2025

26apr(apr 26)9:00 am(apr 26)9:00 amLadies Day RaceSponsored by AVISO BROKING