Soldiers from the 6th Combat Support Brigade based in Enoggera will spend a day sailing with Southport Yacht Club (SYC) as part of an adventure training activity, on Thursday 22nd October 2015.
The aim of adventure training is to assist commanders in preparing soldiers for battle by exposing them to perceived and real risks. Most of the soldiers have no previous sailing experience and will be provided training by SYC and will then race each other before crewing yachts in SYC’s regular Thursday Twilight race. The sailing day will develop the soldiers individual and team qualities that enhance operational performance. These qualities include leadership, teamwork, trust, initiative, self-discipline and stress management.
“I currently have no experience in Yachting as do the majority of my peers, and I wholeheartedly believe that this experience will bring 3 Company closer together as a team through our shared experience. The experience will allow an opportunity for junior soldiers to experience teamwork and leadership situations in a less rigid environment to assist with the overall development of junior leaders in the Corps”, said PTE Smith.
PTE Devey added “Attending Southport Yacht Club (SYC) and subsequently the yacht training day will be a new experience for myself as I have never crewed a yacht before. I thoroughly look forward to working in a small team environment and exploring and combating the high seas around southeast Queensland. I imagine the day out on the sea with the yachts will spike my interest for the Army’s current focus on amphibious operations and capability. The expected race in the afternoon will likely foster strong relationships between the yacht club members and the soldiers”.
Another fellow soldier PTE Axford, also spoke in regards to his excitement about their upcoming sailing experience at SYC” I am very excited to do adventure training with the SYC. I’m looking forward to learning how to sail and, I’m sure, gaining a bunch of other skills in the process, while attempting to remain on the yacht and not fall overboard. As none of the team have done sailing in the past, I believe it will be a great opportunity to increase team dynamics, while giving us a good laugh and, in the end, help us to grow stronger as a team”.